27 – 30. 06. 2018.
Sanja Romic- „Playing with Ease“ Coach on Music Performance and technique of the Oboe playing
Lajos Lencses- Oboe masterclass
Marigaux Paris- instrument exhibition and repair workshop
Hangszerklinika Budapest- instrument exhibition and oboe material supply
Reeds’nStuff Germany- reed making masterclass and oboe machines
Natalija Jovic- Alexander technique classes for musicians
Music school Vladimir Djordjevic, Belgrade
Lajos Lencses- Oboe masterclass
Marigaux Paris- instrument exhibition and repair workshop
Hangszerklinika Budapest- instrument exhibition and oboe material supply
Reeds’nStuff Germany- reed making masterclass and oboe machines
Natalija Jovic- Alexander technique classes for musicians
Music school Vladimir Djordjevic, Belgrade